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Ritta Assaad

Ritta is a Speech Pathologist and the managing director at Think Say Sing Move Play.


Ritta offers 25+ years of experience as a speech pathologist and many years in leadership. She works in partnership with families to meet the needs of children, youth and adults with developmental delays and/or disabilities.


Ritta graduated from La Trobe University with Honours and has a Master’s Degree in Health Administration. She is a certified practicing speech pathologist and a member of Speech Pathology Australia. Ritta has worked in early intervention, private practice, special schools, community health centres, research projects through La Trobe University and lead projects through Communities for Children, she has also worked in program development and in management.  


Ritta is bilingual and often uses her Arabic to connect with many families. Ritta is a caring professional who delivers her therapy with respect and compassion.

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Johnny Farhat

Johnny Farhat holds a Bachelor of Psychology and an Advanced Diploma in Disability. Johnny has more than 25 years experience in supporting young people of all abilities.


He worked for 14 years as a social worker and youth leader at an Internationally known SOS children's Villages In Lebanon. His role was to keep families together, provide alternative care when needed, support young people on their path to independence, and advocate for the rights of children. He was a volunteer in the Lebanese Red Cross, supporting families in need during crises. 


For the last 8 years Johnny has been working as a disability support worker through DHHS and Home at SCOPE. He has provided care for children and youth with disabilities in respite houses, as well as support for residents in permanent disability housing. 


Johnny is compassionate and caring and works with honesty and integrity.


Johnny is fluent in both Arabic and English. 


Marie Olsson

My name is Marie and I am a fun, playful and engaging specialist teacher with a knack for motivating children. I love to help families help their children and do this by supporting you to find information, services, supports and to develop new ways to work towards your goals at home.


My skill is to help children who are having difficulties to get along with  others, express and manage their feelings, and develop their play and learning abilities. I have worked as a Key Worker alongside Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Music Therapists for many years, and have experience helping children develop their communication skills, daily living skills and participation in activities.


I have a special interest in helping children who have challenging behaviour learn different ways to have their needs met. I am passionate about inclusion for all children and can support education and community settings to make changes that help children of all abilities to participate and belong.


I love animals, growing things in the garden and reading books. One day I would like to travel the world and take beautiful pictures with my partner and three girls.

Emily Lutton

Emily holds a Bachelor of Applied Science and Masters of Speech Pathology from La Trobe University. She is passionate about helping children of all abilities and working closely with their families. Emily has a keen interest in all things relating to language and is currently also completing a Diploma in Languages majoring in French Advanced.


Emily has experience working alongside children with varied presentations including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, children with hearing loss, articulation and phonological delays, and children using alternative and augmentative communication. Her experience comes from working in the private and NDIS sector as well as in a number of volunteering roles with programs run locally and internationally.


Emily is dedicated and committed to the families that she works with and uses a family-centred and evidence-based approach to all intervention.

Virginia Porteous

Hi, my name is Virginia. I am an Allied Health Assistant at TSSMP. I have 20 years of experience working in a kindergarten as well as a school setting. I am very passionate in teaching children to self-regulate and thrive in their own unique way. I started as a kindergarten assistant and over the years have gained my Diploma in Children’s Services and part of my Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, which I am now completing. 


Throughout my time at kindergarten my interest in Autism has grown and the need to learn more about the amazing abilities our children are blessed with led me to seek employment in a School for Autism. I have learned so much over the years and I believe wholeheartedly that early intervention is key. I am extremely passionate about tapping into how each child learns and thrives.

I am looking forward to working with your child and family and promise I will do everything I can to help your child shine bright.


I love love love four-wheel driving and camping so feel free to tell me about your adventures. I’m not too bad on the tools too. When I’m not camping I’m renovating the house. See you all soon!

Melissa Georgiou

Melissa holds a bachelor of Health Sciences and Masters in Occupational Therapy Practice and is passionate about supporting children and their families to achieve their goals. Since graduating in 2014 she has worked in community health, early childhood intervention and specialist school settings.


Melissa has experience supporting children and their families to meet their goals in a variety of areas including fine and gross motor skills, sensory regulation, emotional regulation, managing routines, and self-care. Melissa utilises a collaborative family-centred and strengths based approach, and believes that every child can succeed.


Melissa has a particular passion for supporting children with sensory and emotional regulation challenges. She has completed training in administering and interpreting the Sensory Profile 2 assessment, as well as implementing the Alert Program and Zones of Regulation.


Melissa has experience running therapy programs for groups and individuals and believes that a fun approach to therapy for both children and their carers is key to success.

Margaret Clancy

Margaret Clancy is passionate about working with young autistic children and their families. Margaret has extensive experience in working closely with children and families. Over many years she has provided both individual and group opportunities to enable these children and their parents to better understand the world of Autism and assist parents to manage the often challenging behaviours their child might exhibit.


For the last 6 years, Margaret has facilitated the "Early Days" program of workshops for Amaze, the peak body for Autism in Victoria.


Margaret will be available to assist families with their knowledge of Autism, it's impact on their child and also behavioural issues.

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Rachel Volbeda

Rachel Volbeda holds a Bachelor of Speech Pathology from La Trobe University and is a Certified Practising member of Speech Pathology Australia.


Across her 10 years of experience, Rachel has worked in transdisciplinary settings with children with Autism, developmental, speech and language delays. Rachel has a particular interest in using AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) strategies for children who are needing extra support to communicate. She is certified to deliver Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Picture Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) and Key Word Sign.  Rachel is also experienced with fussy eating, and is certified to deliver Sensory Oral Sequential (SOS) Approach to Feeding.


As a member of Hanen, Rachel embeds an evidence based approach when working with Children with Language Delays (It Takes Two to Talk), children with Autism (More Than Words), and Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum (Talkability).


Rachel delivers a strengths based service and believes parents and carers are the best teachers for their children. Rachel has a passion for working together with families to achieve their goals, using your child’s interests and routines to get the most out of your time together.

© 2022  Think Say Sing Move Play Childhood Development.

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